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Current genera

List of all genera in completed family accounts in the Flora of Tasmania Online. Treatments are available in both HTML (intended for web reading) and PDF (intended for print) versions.

Each of the table columns can be used to sort the table by clicking on the column header.

NOTE: The classification system used in the Flora of Tasmania Online follows APG II (2003), see Introduction.

Genus APG II Family (2003)
Family # HTML PDF
Acanthus 120 Acanthaceae
Acer 86 Sapindaceae
Acetosa 95 Polygonaceae
Acetosella 95 Polygonaceae
Acradenia 87 Rutaceae
Acrothamnus 105 Ericaceae
Acrotriche 105 Ericaceae
Adonis 47 Ranunculaceae
Agastachys 48 Proteaceae
Allocasuarina 67 Casuarinaceae
Alternanthera 98 Amaranthaceae
Alyxia 109 Apocynaceae
Amaranthus 98 Amaranthaceae
Amsinckia 110 Boraginaceae
Anchusa 110 Boraginaceae
Androstoma 105 Ericaceae
Anemone 47 Ranunculaceae
Anodopetalum 72 Cunoniaceae
Anopterus 131 Escalloniaceae
Anredera 99 Basellaceae
Aquilegia 47 Ranunculaceae
Arbutus 105 Ericaceae
Archeria 105 Ericaceae
Argemone 44 Papaveraceae
Aristotelia 71 Elaeocarpaceae
Atherosperma 3 Atherospermataceae
Atriplex 98 Amaranthaceae
Australina 64 Urticaceae
Baeckea 57 Myrtaceae
Banksia 48 Proteaceae
Batrachium 47 Ranunculaceae
Bauera 72 Cunoniaceae
Bellendena 48 Proteaceae
Berberis 46 Berberidaceae
Beta 98 Amaranthaceae
Billardiera 138 Pittosporaceae
Borago 110 Boraginaceae
Boronia 87 Rutaceae
Brachyloma 105 Ericaceae
Brunonia 129 Goodeniaceae
Buglossoides 110 Boraginaceae
Bursaria 138 Pittosporaceae
Calandrinia 100 Portulacaceae
Calluna 105 Ericaceae
Calystegia 111 Convolvulaceae
Calytrix 57 Myrtaceae
Carpobrotus 101 Aizoaceae
Cassytha 5 Lauraceae
Cenarrhenes 48 Proteaceae
Centranthus 135 Valerianaceae
Chenopodium 98 Amaranthaceae
Clematis 47 Ranunculaceae
Collomia 102 Polemoniaceae
Comesperma 60 Polygalaceae
Conospermum 48 Proteaceae
Convolvulus 111 Convolvulaceae
Coopernookia 129 Goodeniaceae
Correa 87 Rutaceae
Cucumis 65 Cucurbitaceae
Cuscuta 111 Convolvulaceae
Cyathodes 105 Ericaceae
Cynoglossum 110 Boraginaceae
Cyphanthera 112 Solanaceae
Dampiera 129 Goodeniaceae
Daphne 89 Thymelaeaceae
Datura 112 Solanaceae
Dichondra 111 Convolvulaceae
Dipsacus 134 Dipsacaceae
Disphyma 101 Aizoaceae
Dodonaea 86 Sapindaceae
Donatia 126 Donatiaceae
Dracophyllum 105 Ericaceae
Drosera 96 Droseraceae
Dysphania 98 Amaranthaceae
Ecballium 65 Cucurbitaceae
Echium 110 Boraginaceae
Einadia 98 Amaranthaceae
Elaeocarpus 71 Elaeocarpaceae
Elatine 76 Elatinaceae
Emex 95 Polygonaceae
Epacris 105 Ericaceae
Erica 105 Ericaceae
Erodium 54 Geraniaceae
Erythranthe 117 Phrymaceae
Eschscholzia 44 Papaveraceae
Eucalyptus 57 Myrtaceae
Eucryphia 72 Cunoniaceae
Euonymus 69 Celastraceae
Euryomyrtus 57 Myrtaceae
Exocarpos 91 Santalaceae
Fallopia 95 Polygonaceae
Forstera 127 Stylidiaceae
Frankenia 93 Frankeniaceae
Fraxinus 113 Oleaceae
Fumaria 45 Fumariaceae
Galenia 101 Aizoaceae
Gaultheria 105 Ericaceae
Geranium 54 Geraniaceae
Glaucium 44 Papaveraceae
Glossostigma 117 Phrymaceae
Gomphocarpus 109 Apocynaceae
Goodenia 129 Goodeniaceae
Grevillea 48 Proteaceae
Griselinia 136 Griseliniaceae
Gunnera 49 Gunneraceae
Gyrostemon 83 Gyrostemonaceae
Hackelia 110 Boraginaceae
Hakea 48 Proteaceae
Hedycarya 4 Monimiaceae
Hemichroa 98 Amaranthaceae
Hibbertia 92 Dilleniaceae
Ipomoea 111 Convolvulaceae
Isopogon 48 Proteaceae
Kelleria 89 Thymelaeaceae
Kunzea 57 Myrtaceae
Lampranthus 101 Aizoaceae
Leionema 87 Rutaceae
Leptecophylla 105 Ericaceae
Leptomeria 91 Santalaceae
Leptospermum 57 Myrtaceae
Leucopogon 105 Ericaceae
Levenhookia 127 Stylidiaceae
Ligustrum 113 Oleaceae
Limonium 94 Plumbaginaceae
Linum 77 Linaceae
Liparophyllum 128 Menyanthaceae
Lissanthe 105 Ericaceae
Lithospermum 110 Boraginaceae
Lomatia 48 Proteaceae
Lycium 112 Solanaceae
Lythrum 55 Lythraceae
Maytenus 69 Celastraceae
Mazus 117 Phrymaceae
Melaleuca 57 Myrtaceae
Melicytus 79 Violaceae
Mesembryanthemum 101 Aizoaceae
Micrantheum 74 Picrodendraceae
Mirabilis 101.1 Nyctaginaceae
Mitrasacme 108 Loganiaceae
Monotoca 105 Ericaceae
Montia 100 Portulacaceae
Montitega 105 Ericaceae
Muehlenbeckia 95 Polygonaceae
Myosotis 110 Boraginaceae
Myosurus 47 Ranunculaceae
Navarretia 102 Polemoniaceae
Nematolepis 87 Rutaceae
Notelaea 113 Oleaceae
Nothofagus 66 Nothofagaceae
Orites 48 Proteaceae
Ornduffia 128 Menyanthaceae
Oxalis 70 Oxalidaceae
Pandorea 121 Bignoniaceae
Papaver 44 Papaveraceae
Parietaria 64 Urticaceae
Parsonsia 109 Apocynaceae
Passiflora 81 Passifloraceae
Pelargonium 54 Geraniaceae
Pentachondra 105 Ericaceae
Pentaglottis 110 Boraginaceae
Persicaria 95 Polygonaceae
Persoonia 48 Proteaceae
Phebalium 87 Rutaceae
Philotheca 87 Rutaceae
Phyllachne 127 Stylidiaceae
Phyllangium 108 Loganiaceae
Physalis 112 Solanaceae
Pimelea 89 Thymelaeaceae
Pittosporum 138 Pittosporaceae
Planocarpa 105 Ericaceae
Polygala 60 Polygalaceae
Polygonum 95 Polygonaceae
Populus 80 Salicaceae
Portulaca 100 Portulacaceae
Prionotes 105 Ericaceae
Pseudanthus 74 Picrodendraceae
Pseudofumaria 45 Fumariaceae
Psychrophila 47 Ranunculaceae
Ptilotus 98 Amaranthaceae
Ranunculus 47 Ranunculaceae
Reseda 84 Resedaceae
Rhagodia 98 Amaranthaceae
Rhododendron 105 Ericaceae
Rhytidosporum 138 Pittosporaceae
Ribes 50 Grossulariaceae
Richea 105 Ericaceae
Roepera 58 Zygophyllaceae
Rumex 95 Polygonaceae
Salix 80 Salicaceae
Salpichroa 112 Solanaceae
Salsola 98 Amaranthaceae
Samolus 103 Theophrastaceae
Sarcocornia 98 Amaranthaceae
Scabiosa 134 Dipsacaceae
Scaevola 129 Goodeniaceae
Schizacme 108 Loganiaceae
Selliera 129 Goodeniaceae
Sicyos 65 Cucurbitaceae
Solanum 112 Solanaceae
Soleirolia 64 Urticaceae
Sprengelia 105 Ericaceae
Stackhousia 69 Celastraceae
Stenanthera 105 Ericaceae
Stylidium 127 Stylidiaceae
Styphelia 105 Ericaceae
Suaeda 98 Amaranthaceae
Symphytum 110 Boraginaceae
Syzygium 57 Myrtaceae
Tasmannia 2 Winteraceae
Tecticornia 98 Amaranthaceae
Telopea 48 Proteaceae
Tetracarpaea 52 Tetracarpaeaceae
Tetragonia 101 Aizoaceae
Tetratheca 71 Elaeocarpaceae
Thesium 91 Santalaceae
Thismia 16 Burmanniaceae
Threlkeldia 98 Amaranthaceae
Thryptomene 57 Myrtaceae
Thyridia 117 Phrymaceae
Trithuria 1 Hydatellaceae
Trochocarpa 105 Ericaceae
Tropaeolum 82 Tropaeolaceae
Ulmus 63 Ulmaceae
Urtica 64 Urticaceae
Utricularia 119 Lentibulariaceae
Valerianella 135 Valerianaceae
Velleia 129 Goodeniaceae
Vinca 109 Apocynaceae
Viola 79 Violaceae
Wilsonia 111 Convolvulaceae
Zieria 87 Rutaceae